Friday, June 18, 2010

I'm done!

YES! I am done for my 2nd semester! As what all my friends saying, those 3 months of semester 2 felt so long. Some shots of the day before assignment due.

Brian trying to teach them HTML, Amirul trying to seriously learn like he even got a clue what is going on, Aaron trying to look like he is asking questions but pose wrongly. haha

Laughing after trying to take some serious shots while Aaron still want to pose for the camera!

What a poser you guys! Hahaha, no, it is not some random shots of my friends doing assignments but we were doing assignments.
As you can see, we were in the library. Fact#1: Do you know Taylor's Lakeside Campus library is HUGE?? It has 4 floors! Can you imagine that everytime now when your friend say that they are in the library and you have to ask in return 'Which part of the library?'. So, as always, my friends and I will come up with some special lingo to reduce the goose hunting every now and then. The area that we were sitting in the picture is the 'Office Area'. I will take other pictures of other places like 'Airport Area' where it is the brigde in level 2 that connects to the 'Printing Area'. Also we have 'Maze Area' which is a studying area close to 'Office Area'.

Even though I am off for a month, I will still be around blogging about events and random stuffs that happen in Taylor's! Yes, will also still be here answering questions of yours.

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