Sunday, July 18, 2010

Away notice

hello all you amazing ppl,

Dropping a post stating that I will be away for Pulau Perhentian with my fellow college mates for 4 days! Also, I will be going for the Jog For Hope that Taylor's is organizing in Hartamas tomorrow (18 July 2010). I am challenging myself for a 6km run. It may be easy-peesy for some of you athletes out there but NOT for ME. I tried jogging on the treadmill today and only lasted for 2km. So lousy right!

By the way, this is a charity event for PAWS. Check their blog here. Just so you know, I was sponsored to Jog. I was too broke to pay RM 20 but I am willing to jog. So Kaven Kan contributed in Cash form while I Run. TQ Kaven. Hehehe, looks like I am a charity case too.

I may not have the chance to snap pictures during the race so if any of you have photos of the Jog, do let me know! If you see me tomorrow, say Hi yeah, I don't Bite.


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