Monday, March 26, 2012

Science Geek?

You know how in movies they always laugh at those nerds that are really good in science and mock them of their geniuses? Well, I respect these people as they learn about the nature of something and try to invent something new out of it because they know how it will react with another chemical or product. These are the  smarty pants that made our life better.

I present to you students from the Taylor's Foundation in Science. Where Fun is brought into Science! 

It is a group work and student of 4-5 come together and make charts, demo and list to educate by-passer along the Taylor's busiest pathway. 

Other than that, of course, Taylor's students also tries to bring good to the community and express their concerns about smoking. They made a replica of a human lung, posters and stickers to create awareness of smoking causes cancer. They present the cigarette sticks as cancer, and the only way to stop someone smoking is for them to have cancer. So go on, have a stick of cancer.

How can we forget Taylor's pride baby, their racing team and the formula one sports car! They even provide it a red carpet, how VIP the car must be.

Interested to join Taylor's Foundation in Science?

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