One of my subject in Unisa CMM is IFTP (Intro to film, tv and production), this is more towards the broadcasting and production side. More practical, yes because it is literally all hands on work. PAPERWORK! Over the whole 3 months of lectures and tutorials, 80% paperwork for pre-planning, 10% coming up with ideas, 10% shooting and editing videos.
This is the final product.
Things that you need to do for this assignment. (pre-planning)
My script!
My storyboard, don't judge! I have friends that draws worst than me. Then again I have friends that draws magnificently. :(
Recce Sheet
Floor Plan
Shooting Schedule
Call Sheets
Logging Sheet (only shown here page 1/6)
So this is what I do for my IFTP subject. It takes a lot of work to be in broadcasting and production line. As people say, the hard work is on the pre-planning side of the production, is not just shoot with an idea. The pre-planning work was tedious and time consuming. NOT FUN AT ALL! and I got a Distinction for this subject :p
I felt like dying that 5th semester but somewhat, now, when I am taking Communication and Organisation (CNO) and Creative Industry Ethics (CIE). Looking back, it wasn't that bad at all. Well, it gets tougher every semester!