Friday, November 23, 2007

Same Same But Different

When I blogged about Taylor's Walk the other day, I went to the Taylor's website to get more information to blog about it.

Old look

And the very next minute, out of pure coincidence and luck and you-get-the-idea, I ter-click the homepage to open again in another page. Suddenly, it became this:

New look


Talk about efficient, it was barely a minute! Man, I got to be the only guy in this world to have both old and new look of Taylor's website to open at the same time (asides perhaps the Taylor's staffs of course). I'm so proud of myself. *Proud* XD

Monday, November 19, 2007

A Walk in the Walk

It is either great minds think alike, or Miss Tho Xin Yi travel into year 2050 to read this blog and come back to write about it.


I actually would have blogged about the Taylor's Walk quite a while ago, if not because of the lousy connection in Ipoh. Now that she beats me to it, I would have to edit my draft and cite her work or I would be deemed of implying her written work into my own work without her acknowledgment much like the case of the not-so-thin guy.

Although I'm pretty sure I don't get any information from her (I think).

To begin, I went back to the main campus the other day to catch a glimpse of the walkway. I want to see it with my own eyes how a RM125,000 above the half million ringgit mark (that's RM625,000 to you) investment would benefits the students, staffs, animals and society.

Well, that's what I would want to say, but the fact is I actually went there because I was damn free after handing all assignments. *Laughing sinisterly at STPM students* XD

But still, here's my two cents about the walkway.

I got nothing better to do

Firstly, students can jump ala SmashpOp due to the huge space available. Or better, students can conduct their activities like smoking and drug-trafficking safely without worrying about getting hit by cars.

Secondly, giant pandas can safely eat all the bamboos available at the walkway without worrying about getting hit by cars.

Please don't say we look similar

Thirdly, it got a watermelon, although I don't know how it fits into our topic. But still, no need to worry about getting hit by cars! XD

Ok, enough of getting hit by cars I have to, because you guys would kill me if I continue. Let's see this walkway from a more serious point of view. Forget about the story that it increases the traffic flow. The problem is still there and always will be. So I rather look at another feature of the walkway, which was as reported by Tho (2007), the police beat base.

Tak kenal, kenal, tak kenal, tak kenal, tak kenal

According to Tho (2007), which is actually according to Subang Jaya OCPD ACP Zainal Rashid Abu Bakar, the police beat base was built to enhance the security around the area as the crime rate is pretty high. With only above-average families can afford the fees studying in Taylor's, I would be surprised if there is no crime at all. But that's a topic for another day. :P

I don't disagree with the statement regarding the crime rate, as I have heard of a lot of crimes happening in this area, most notably my friend punya friend who was a victim of the silliest robbery in the world (refer to the entry on April 12, 2006). Seriously, I didn't know that we can engaged a parley/negotiation with the robbers to exchange a laptop for, of all things from apple to zebra, a handphone and escape unharmed. -___-

With the police around, hopefully such silly robbery by the robbers (but lucky escape by the victim) would never happen again. But then again, it is the police from our country we are talking about. You know, the Malaysian police which has over 250 videos related to them regardless good or bad but mostly bad on Youtube as by November 20, 2007.


Ok, we are as good as dead.

Tho, XY 2007, 'New police beat base in Subang Jaya', StarMetro, November 19, 2007, pg. M8

Footnote: For more information about Taylor's Walk, please visit Taylor's website. It's more formal and detailed than this blog. And the referencing thingy is just a joke. XD

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Ctrl + P

Last Monday was my final day of Semester 2... and I found this:

I got one freaking hundred pages to waste left in the quota system. o.O

I'm not sure about the other colleges/universities/university colleges, but in Taylor's the printing system is set with the quota system. You will be given (well, not given actually since you paid for it) a print quota every year. Once you finish using your quota, you can renew it by paying RM10 for 100 credits. And each time you print 1 black & white page, it will deduct 1 credit from your quota. Same goes to if you want to print 1 colour page, it will deduct 10 credits. Yeah, I know. It's very painful. >.<

When I first noticed I still had 100 credits left, I told myself, "Never mind, you can use always it next year," which was a good idea but then, the next second I found myself telling myself, "NO! You can't use it next year! The blardy print quota will reset to KOSONG!" Yeah, I know. I do talk to myself but the bigger issue here is I GOT ONE FREAKING HUNDRED PAGES TO WASTE! ARHHHHH!!!

Just in case your brain moves too slowly, I shall explain the situation to you. In Taylor's, students will be provided with 100 pages by the system every year. And do notice, it's BY YEAR. Now we are currently in November, which is plus minus only 2 months left before we are in year 2008, which means if I don't use it before 11:59:59 PM on December 31st, 2007, the system will automatically reset my quota to 0. -__-

The system is lunatic! It should automatically transfer the remaining of my quota to next year! It it unfair for not only me, but all Taylorians as well! Man, I can't believe the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Department wants to con my RM10 worth of credits. So instead of letting the ICT Department to untung, I decided to use up all the remaining credits in one day and act like that Ah Long advertisement on TV. XD

Halo kawan! Mau print tak? Jumpa saya lah!
Tak ada paper? Tidak apa, boleh jumpa saya..
Paper? Saya ada.
Print quota? Saya pun ada.
Satu puluh, lima puluh.. saya bagi!
SATU RATUS? Saya pun boleh bagi!
Tapi ingat arr, saya bukan Ah Long. Saya cuma nak tolong.

Well, I didn't exactly say those lines, but I did ask my friends to help me use up my remaining credits. They wanted to print five pages, I gave them. They wanted to print 10 pages, I gave them. Any amount they stated, I gave them. As long as they happy, I will be happy too. Hmmm... not exactly happy since I was sad as well. I happy because I CAN finish up the quota but I was sad as well because I NEED to finish up the quota. :(

Anyway, just when I thought I have pwned the ICT Department, I found this:

I still got 50 credits in the system. WTF!? -____-

After spending three hours in the Media Hub, I can't believe I actually still had 50 credits left. That's RM5 worth of credits! @$^#%$@!! That's it! A desperate time calls for desperate measure! Finally, I decided to use up all of it by printing *sigh* colour pages.

That's 5 pieces of colour pages if you're wondering. :(

Headers of my blog

Yeah, I used it to print stuffs like that. I know it is a sin to waste but it's not my fault! It's their fault! If they have a better system, I won't need to waste 100 credits in one day. So I hope that this issue can be solved ASAP. I don't want to waste my credits like this again next year. -___-