Tweet tweet, a little bird told me that you might just have missed Taylor's Open Day. I am here to give you a little sneak peak on what happened during Open day. :)
I managed to drop by Taylor's Subang Campus just to see how is everything going for them there.
If you don't already know, this is our Taylor's Subang Campus! It looks small in the picture but if I moved my camera on my left more, you would see more buildings for the students.
Inside of Subang's Multi purpose hall. They are quite packed here as I guess it's already after SPM and everyone is looking for a suitable course!
This table was awesome, haha, I mean if you actually round the table, there were 3 lecturers there counselling this mother and son.
If you take a look on the next few pictures, everyone's table seemed to be messy!
This could easily be the cleanest, the power of Ipad! :D New way of counselling, no need prospectus anymore, just email them straight.
Prospectus lining up in place of parents and students to pick up on their choice of courses. Just a little FYI, Taylor's College Subang Campus and Hartamas are only having Pre-U courses like SAM, CPU, A-level and IB. For other courses, do check it out at Taylor's University Lakeside Campus.
Some display on what all these Pre-U students have done, hehe, apparently they are not just geeks, Not stereotyping but what I have heard from all my other Pre-U student friends, they all would tell me all the horror stories of studying all night and all-day classes. You must be some super person to go though Pre-U.
While I was walking out of the MPH, "I hear PEOPLE SINGING!" I was actually goose hunting for the source of music and finally looked down and I see Little Christmas People... :D
So I rushed down and met them halfway at the Lecture Theatre hallway taking some pictures for you all to add a little Christmas feeling to this post. :)
Of course, me being me, I love putting load of stuff on my youtube channel. So I just have to record this down :) Play it for some christmas jinggle.
This is just a random picture that I think is true. Begin it if you dream of doing something. :)
Also, many times during open day we have talks going on. Many times, some parents will stay back and talk to the lecturers or speakers on specific issues if they are not very sure about anything.
Everyone's serious face..........Talk time.
Of course as I said, they are all active bunch of people, so how can we forget about clubs and society booth.
Showcasing what they had done and achievements.
Taylor's University LAKESIDE Campus
After wandering around Subang, I made my way to Lakeside Campus to 'kepo' (busybody) just to see what's up there.
So if you are not interested in taking Pre-U subjects, you can always opt of Foundation programmes that leads you straight to Degree once completed. Foundation are great if you already know what you want to do. This will help you to be specific in what you will be learning without the need to take extra unnecessary subjects that have nothing to do with your choice of course.
Taylor's University have so many courses to offer.
Same thing again, xD messy table! Wahaha.
I was like "OMG I Want to DO that!" I always loved Taylor's Culinary Team as they are just one of the most amazing people with high level of creativity. They are the only ones that can play with food!
As I was there, I have to not miss their talks going on there as well. The topic for that session was on Law: "Wholistic" Legal Education- the way forward.
And of course, we are in Taylor's Lakeside very own Moots Court!
If you wish to know more about offering courses, please do check out the links below on your preferred campuses.
if you are still not sure what you want, you can always check out